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Dear Comet,
I am turn to you in case of programming question by S3120 data logger.
We set now the Temp and Humirity alarm limit but we would like to add two more specific limitation/condition.
These are: in case of if thempareature is modified higher than 3°C per hour the software show it and the humidity is modified more than 5% per hour also the software show it.
Do you see a possibility how can I add this condition to the program?
Thank you.
Hello Gabo,
we don't exactly know what you're asking for.
Are you programming your own software for "on-line" data acquisition or analysis of data (downloaded data from device memory)?
What's the interval of recording/reading data?
Could you specify your requirements?
we are useing the data logger in the factory inside. Working range : temp: 18-32°C Humidity: 20-60%
The basic COMET(free) software is used now. I am asking you how can I set up our extra request, I would like to use the COMET software only to analyse recorded datas. Of course if it is possible. So the following information is need for me: +/-3°C / hour is automatiucally mark ,and +/-5% / hour by Humidity. If I download the data by montly basis the software will automatically show me when was the measured value out of these tolerace.
Thank you!
The feature you requested or similar is not supported in our software.
You may export data and open them in MS Excel to do this.
Have a nice day
I want to eliminate the usage of the xls. file in case of validation point of view.
Thank you!