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Afternoon, I have 5 x T3510 sensors that I need to change IP address on. I believe I need to use the Tsensor software so have downloaded v However when I type in the IP in Tsensor it is not found. I can view this IP in internet explorer and can ping it. What am I doing wrong?
you have used the "find device" in sw Tsensor - and choice Help! My device was not found! " ?? After the enter MAC address, TSensor should find the device.
Hi jedwards17,
To add to response from support guys.
TSensor software is a alternative for configuration of Tx5xx devices. Preferred way by end-customers is a configuration via web. All Tx5xx devices shipped after 2013-05-01 have already built in web configuration. Older devices could be updated to latest firmware depending on device age. But generally all devices manufactured after year 2008, could be updated. More about ability firmware update will provide you technical support directly.
As is mentioned above, at "Find device windows" you should see all your devices connected on same network. Do you see there your device(s)? Are all columns filled (e.g. firmware, description)? You can change IP address by inserting MAC address of device as well.
OK, I just hit OK, NOT find device and it connected. Thanks